- Norway needs to re-establish trust and focus on again becoming an attractive country for renewable investments
Commercial content from Europower Partner

The Europower Investor Conference
Mr. Jørgen Kildahl is Senior Advisor at Energy Infrastructure Partner, and he is Non Executice Director in Scatec, Alpiq and Ørsted.
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Jørgen Kildahl will speak at the Europower Investor Conference in Oslo the 19th. March.
In this interview, Mr. Jørgen Kildahl gives his view on some of the challenges in order to get a massive and fast increase in renewable energy.
- Given the changing regulatory landscape, how can Norway maintain its competitiveness and attract foreign investment in renewables?
- There is a presumption built in the question; “maintain its competitiveness”. I do not think that this is the right mindset. Norway needs to re-establish trust and focus on again becoming an attractive country for renewable investments.
- To what extent is the energy transition reliant on funding from the oil industry?
- It is crucial that the oil majors re-direct their investments to sustainable energy. Currently a lion’s share of their investments is accelerating the climate crisis.
- What are the key topics of debate in corporate boardrooms regarding renewable energy?
- I will share my thoughts on this subject at the conference.
- What measures are needed to substantially increase Norway's green energy exports each year?
Mrs. Jørgen Kildahl divides his answer into short-term and long-term.
- On short-term: By using new technology optimising the use of current energy resources at lowest possible level and make the Norwegian energy system the most flexible and efficient in the world. That is a no regret move. The knowledge and solutions (developed in Norway) exist.
- Long term: If green energy exports is an objective; new capacity. New capacities however require long-term stable regulatory framework conditions for Norwegian and foreign investors when it comes to permits and taxes.
- What strategies can be employed to mitigate land use conflicts in renewable energy investments?
- I believe countries should avoid the current “patch work approach” and rather develop a holistic plan for the use of land. Focusing on biodiversity and mitigate the negative impact on groups negatively affected.
- What level of profitability is required to make investments in renewables attractive?
- A level that reflects the risks.…and e.g. the regulatory instability which has unfortunately occurred in Norway in the past years.
- What are your expectations for the conference?
- I look forward to listening and contribute to open, fact-based interventions and discussions, and to get new insights that can accelerate our joint efforts to transform the energy system.
We look forward to hear Mr. Jørgen Kildahl sharing more insights and thoughts at the conference.